“In the bodybuilding Industry, Darren has cultivated a solid reputation as one of the most knowledgeable, credible and enthusiastic strength and conditioning coach in Canada. His Hungarian work ethic & commitment to work long hours and be in direct contact with his clients; is his most enduring quality. He is a professional IFBB PRO, business owner, father, husband & friend who is organized and easy to work with. He spends a surmountable amount of time ensuring that the athletes he works with are properly educated and more importantly, utilizing his programs responsibly.
This grassroots, accessible approach, is comforting in a world of ‘cookie-cutter’/franchised programs that are often marketed as a ‘one size fits all’ solution to every athlete’s needs. Darren is responsible, informative, and above all, dedicated to dealing with athletes in an ethical and productive manner. It was these qualities that had established my confidence in working with him back in 2006; the beginning of my journey to compete in the FIGURE DIVISION.
This was also the year that Neilsen Thomas & Eye won the 2006 BC CHAMPIONSHIPS; dubbed as “Mr. & Mrs. BC.” Eye can state with full confidence that Darren’s passion for teaching fitness development is unmatched. With a contagious personality that is inspiring, he made me want to improve & advance my athletic abilities. 4 Years later, eye won the 2010 Overall Figure National Championships in Toronto, Ontario along with the prestigious IFBB FIGURE PRO CARD! Thank you Darren for inspiring & believing in me.
Peace, Love & Spirit,”
Maria Morrone
IFBB Figure Professional